The following house names and place names are listed alphabetically. The list is still being compiled and is not yet complete. Notes are intended to direct the visitor or delivery person. This page can be accessed by the visitor or can be printed off and faxed to those in need. Directions generally assume the traveller is moving away from the centre of the village. For identification of street names see Streets or the village street plan in General Information.
Adventure Playground: is located on Jigneys Meadow together with the Village Hall and Primary School, off Palmer’s Lane in the village centre.
Ashcross: High Street (west side of road). A modern detached house in the centre of the village, opposite the war memorial.
Ashlyn (formerly Robinsfield): Crawley End (north side of road). A modern, deep pink rendered “Potton” style house between Palmers Close Cottage and Maple Lodge.
Barleymans: A thatched cottage situated where Crawley End meets the village centre. Opposite Martinholme pond, it is in fact the last property on the right on leaving the village centre before the open fields of Wire Farm.
The Bothy: Church Road (east side of road). Detached residence just a stone’s throw from the church: travelling down Church Road it is on the same side as, and the last building on the left before, the church and Church Cottage.
Brambles: Crawley End (north side of road). A modern cream rendered house, four dwellings past the Methodist Chapel and next door to the thatched Primrose Cottage.
Breachwood: Crawley End (north side of road). A modern, detached, brick house between Maple Lodge and Wyatts. The second last house on the left before the open fields.
Brook House: On the B1039. Leaving the village via Church Road, turn right on to the B1039 and the detached grey rendered house is immediately on the right.
Campanula: detached chalet style bungalow on the east side of Church Road
Church Cottage: Church Lane (east side). Leaving the village down the Church Road hill, both the church and this thatched cottage are set back from the road and are accessed from the same driveway on the left.
Cobblers Cottage: Crawley End (south side of road). A substantial, detached, turn of the century gable fronted building in pink render and situated between Faerie Cottage and Mapletons.
Chapel Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). A thatched cottage end on to the road with pale yellow render above flint. Immediately adjacent to the Methodist Chapel.
Cotterstock: Crawley End (north side of road). A white rendered single storey dwelling just 75 yds from the village centre, between Oak Tree House and Palmers Close Cottage.
Cricket Field: is located on Jigneys Meadow with the Village Hall and Primary School off Palmers lane in the centre of the village.
Dark Lane Cottage: Crawley End (far northern end). To the rear of Dormers, to which it is linked. Both properties face you on leaving the village as the road bends sharply left.
Dormers: Crawley End (far northern end). Thatched cottage that faces you on leaving the village as the road bends sharply left. Alternatively, it is the first property on the left on entering the village,
Ellerslie: Crawley End (north side of road). Brick bungalow between Longacre and The Gables.
Fairie Cottage: Crawley End (south side of road). Travelling north east from the centre of the village, it is the first dwelling on the right after the open fields around Wire Farm. A thatched cottage end on to the road, with white walls but distinctively decorated with toadstools and animals.
Football Field: is on Jigneys Meadow and located with the Village Hall and Primary School off Palmers Lane in the village centre.
The Gables: Crawley End (north side of road). Modern house with gable windows set back from the road and situated between Godolphin House and Ellerslie .
Gilbys: Crawley End (south side of road). A large modern house situated between two other modern house called Siusi and Whitebeams and close to a large thatched house called Phoenix Cottage.
Godolphin House: Crawley End (north side of road). A large modern detached house close to the road and situated between Ramblers Cottage and The Gables.
Jigneys Meadow: is used as the village playing field for football, cricket and the adventure playground and is located with the Village Hall and Primary School off Palmers Lane in the centre of the village.
Longacre: Crawley End (north side of road). Large modern bungalow set back from the road and situated between Ellerslie and Woodstock.
Maple Lodge: Crawley End (north side of road). A modern dark red brick house between Ashlyn and Breachwood.
Mapletons: Crawley End (south side of road). A thatched, cream rendered cottage with green window sills. Gravel drive with yew trees and a large lime tree against the road. Opposite Primrose Cottage and next door to the modern house Siusi. A 30 mph sign is in the verge outside.
Martinholme: Crawley End (north side of road). Quite unmissable, just yards from the village sign. Fine, period red brick substantial house with four, distinctive, tall chimneys in a composite stack. Formerly served service as the village post office (see The Old Post Office inOld Photographs) but is not to be confused with the present “Old Post Office”, a bungalow diagonally opposite.
Mistletoe Cottage: One of the new houses built in a ‘period’ style in the village centre opposite the war memorial. Adjacent to the single storey Old Post Office.
Mullion Cottage: Church Road (west side). A thatched house close to the road. On leaving the centre of the village, it is the first house on the right.
Oak Tree House: Crawley End (north side of road). A large modern 1970’s style house just 50 yds from the village centre, between Martinholme and Cotterstock. (If you miss the oak tree, you cannot miss Martinholme, the most distinctive building in the village).
The Old Post Office: Village Centre, opposite the village sign. A white rendered period bungalow next to the thatched cottage Barleymans.
Orchard House: Crawley End (north side of road). Chalet bungalow between Walnut Tree House and Rose Cottage.
Orava: High Street (east side). On leaving the B1039 to the south and entering the village up the High Street, it is the fourth house on the right (next to the house called Home Farm). A modern chalet-style detached, cream rendered house with a red pantile roof.
Palmers Close Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). Two storey dwelling 100yds from the village centre, between Cotterstock and Ashlyn,
Park Farm: Church Road (east side of road). On approaching the centre of the village it is the first property on the right up the hill after the Bothy.
Peacock Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). White rendered thatched cottage. Travelling north, it is the seventh property on the left after the Chapel between the modern Winterberry and Walnut Tree Cottage and opposite a large modern house called Gilbys.
Phoenix Cottage: Crawley End (south side of road) a large thatched house with white painted field gate and next door to a large modern house called Whitebeams.
Primrose Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). A thatched cottage end on to the road and with its name on its road side black timbered garage. Next door on the north side is a large, modern house called Winterberry with a silver birch tree in the front garden. Opposite is Mapletons, a thatched cream rendered cottage.
Ramblers Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). Set back from the road between the thatched Rose Cottage (which it adjoins) and the modern Godolphin House. Easily identified by the village mail box in its garden.
The RED COW (PH): High Street (east side). Whilst off the High St the Red Cow is close to the village centre and visible from there.
Rivendell: Crawley End (south side of road). Modern, dark red brick house facing the road and situated immediately adjacent to the cul de sac, Engleric.
Rose Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). Thatched cottage end on and fronting the road, situated between Orchard House and Ramblers.
School: Chrishall Primary (Church of England) School and the village Pre-School is located off Palmers Lane, close to the village centre and sign.
Saffrons (1): Church Road (west side of road). A large rendered thatched cottage with bright yellow window frames. On entering the centre of the village it is on the left hand side as the road climbs steeply.
Saffrons (2): Crawley End (south side of road). A large red brick modern house situated near a large thatched house called Phoenix Cottage and between two modern houses called Whitebeams and Gilbys.
Shire Cottage: Crawley End (south side of road). A modern cream rendered “Potton” style house, next to the thatched Chapel Cottage.
SHOP: the village shop is in front of the Red Cow pub, a short distance from the war memorial.
Silverlands: Church Road (west side of road) A large modern detached house set back on the left hand side of the road on entering the village centre and almost opposite Park Farm.
Siusi: Crawley End – see The Willows.
Thorns: High Street (east side of road): High Street runs south from the village and this large, modern, detached house is the last dwelling on the left, just before the end of the 30mph speed restriction signs.
Village Hall: is located with the Primary School off Palmers Lane near the centre of the village.
Walnut Tree Cottage: Crawley End (north side of road). A modern chalet bungalow end on to the road and set back between the thatched Peacock Cottage and the modern Orchard House. Opposite Gilbys.
Whitebeams: Crawley End (south side of road). A large modern house next to the large thatched house called Phoenix Cottage and a modern house called Saffrons.
(The) Willows (formerly Siusi): Crawley End (south side of road). A detached, modern house in light brick next to Mapletons
Winterberry: Crawley End (north side of road). Large white timber clad modern house.Travelling north, it is the sixth property on the left after the Chapel immediately after Primrose cottage and opposite a large modern house called Siusi.
Wire Farm: Crawley End (south side of road). Surrounded by open fields, the farm house (rendered under a hipped slate roof) is a landmark on this road. The farm’s access is situated on a slight bend in the road and opposite one of the village ponds.
Woodstock: Crawley End (north side of road). Large bungalow set back from the road and situated between Longacre.
Wyatts: Crawley End (north side of road). A 1950’s style brick detached house diagonally opposite Wire Farm and immediately adjacent to Wire Farm Pond. The last house on the left before the open fields.
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