Looking in our newspaper archive the other day I came across an article about Mr Thomas Charles Pigg of Gentleman’s Farm. Published in the Saffron Walden Weekly News of May 28 1926 was Mr Pigg’s obituary which I thought might be of interest. Gents or Gentleman’s Farm...
Broad Green
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Broad Green Cottages pre 1989
The Davies family lived in the cottage to the left with the red door from 1961 to 1972 before moving up to Crawley End. Mr and Mrs George Rogers lived on the right hand side. Mr Rogers kept pigs on the right hand side of the driveway at the back and Mrs Rogers had a...
Broad Green Pump and inhabitants
The pump and the pond can clearly be seen here whereas today both are shielded by all the trees that shroud the pond and make the lane quite dark in comparison to this light and airy photograph. Looking at the style of this photograph I wonder if it was taken around...
Broad Green Farm early 1960s
Broad Green Farm 1960s
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