(This article was first written for the Chrishall Scrapbook in the 1950s. You can see copies of the scrapbook on our open days.) The Chrishall Womens' Institute was formed in February 1926, and it has plodded on staunchly and steadily, without let or hindrance, ever...
At Play
Click on a photograph or article title to read more.
Church Newsletter July 1950
Some things don't change, thankfully, and it is good to know that we can all still enjoy a good local village fete. I thought you might enjoy Rev. Bagley's report of the success of Chrishall fete in July 1950 from the church magazine of that time. Walter and Bessie...
1887 June 24th
On the 20th June 1887, Queen Victoria celebrated her Golden Jubilee. Chrishall took part in the celebrations with a tea in the field called Thorns to the east side of High Street. Herts and Cambs Reporter Celebrations of the Queen's Jubilee in the District...
Vegetable and Flower Show Committee
Flower and Produce Shows don't happen without a lot of work behind the scenes. Here are the Chrishall Flower and Vegetable Show Committee members from... - mid 1990's? (If you know the date please let us know!) Back row: David Wootton, Mark Garrett, Helen...
Village Show 2008
Drury Wedding 1909
On Saturday 7th August 1909 the double wedding of two Drury sisters, Mary and Fanny, took place at Chrishall Parish Church. Mary, 25, married Albert Cranwell, 26, who was an Engine Driver from the village. Fanny, 36, married Alfred Ernest Walker, 32, a Baker from...
Chrishall Women’s Institute 1995
Here are Chrishall Women's Institute (WI) in 1995 with three generations of the same family being members at the same time (grandmother, mother, daughter shown in bold). We were meeting in the Chapel Hall and it must have been a special occasion to warrant and...
John Cane with friends
John Cane and Michael Manning play conkers in front of Barleymans in the 1950s and, below, John Cane and Michael Swift play in the snow. (Photo lent by John Cane) The black barn on the right stood in front of Barleymans but was later dismantled and re-erected to the...
A WI group
From left - Nora Cane (lived at Barleymans); (not known); John Cane; (not known); Mrs Harry Flack (lived at the High St end of Brick Row); Mrs Pitches (lived at the bottom end of Hogs Lane, on the left).
Women’s Institute outing, 1930.
Chrishall Women's Institute visit Messrs Peak Frean's Biscuit Factory. Left to right: Miss Mabel Smith, Mrs Wisbey, Mrs E Flack, Mrs Langford, Miss Mynard, Mrs Pitches, Mrs K Flack, Miss Revell and Mrs Harry Flack. Lovely video about Peak Freans on YouTube here from...
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