Welcome to this website about the community of Chrishall in Essex.
Chrishall is a small village on a hilltop in the very north west of Essex, close to the borders of Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, in the East of England. This website is particularly aimed at the local community and the genealogist who perhaps has never visited Chrishall and wishes to visualise the kind of community whence his or her ancestor came. It is run by…
“I stumbled accidentally across some aspects of its history, and began to learn and think more about it, but then – as I studied the records – people began to rise up out of them. Where before I had seen only names on lists, individual characters began to shake their shoulders and stand up. It was as though these dead were being awakened, resurrected. They seemed close, as though they had something to say.”
(quote from In a Country Churchyard by Ronald Fletcher. Although this quote refers to Westleton in Suffolk, we hope you come to feel the same about Chrishall charcters and history.)
Events Calendar 2025
Wednesday 9th April, 7.30pm. | Chrishall Archive AGM | Brand Pavilion |
Featured articles and content:

Village Walks
If you are in Chrishall why not enjoy one of our local Village Walks? These short walks take you around the local area following an area of interest. If you want more information there are QR codes with each walk which connect with articles on the website here.If you...
The Vicarage
The Church and its Vicarage seem such a staple of village life and it seems odd to think it was ever any other way. But in fact, as this article from Irene Cranwell goes to prove, The Vicarage wasn’t always the same house, or the house that housed the vicar, in the...
Field Names Map
Below is a map of the field names traced so far. You can zoom in and out of the map using the plus and minus signs on the bottom left. This is just the names. The stories will come in due course! Names change over the years of course. Many of the names on this map...
Church Seating Plans
Robert Brand, farmer, who farmed Builden End farm in the 1800s was also a writer. He wrote down everything, and what is more he kept it. Although we only have part of his collection of papers he gives us a wealth of information about Chrishall, as well as other places...
Recent updates to existing content:
- January 2025
- Update to the Links page
- January 2024:
- Update to the details of Rev Leachman on the Vicars of Chrishall page
- October 2022
- Update to the War Memorial page to include names of local special constables
- March 2022:
- February 2022:
- Keepers Cottage with some memories
- Update and more information on Church Road Garage
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