The pump and the pond can clearly be seen here whereas today both are shielded by all the trees that shroud the pond and make the lane quite dark in comparison to this light and airy photograph.
Looking at the style of this photograph I wonder if it was taken around the same time as the 1911 census and if this was the case we can build quite a good picture of those living in Broad Green at the time. The dwellings in Broad Green today still match those from 1911 with relatively few modernisations.
An attempt at matching census entries to dwellings
(Please note none of the following are as yet confirmed – unless you can let us know otherwise in the comments below!)
Emma and Henry Mumford – a fruit grower and a retired grocer from Melbourn, Cambs. Since this is the first entry for Broad Green and is listed as a house with 8 rooms, I am assuming this is Cedar House. Emma is listed as an employer and they have a niece living with them and a domestic servant, Winnifred Brooks.
Arthur and Elizabeth Green – possibly the people before Mr and Mrs George Rogers living on the right of Broad Green Cottage (the one with the green door in the picture to the right).
James and Ada Cane – the left Broad Green Cottage (with the red door)
Frank and Edith Flack – we believe the Camps later lived here and the cottage was then extensively modernised when the Hickman’s moved in. (Does anyone have any pictures of the old cottage? Mr Camp was a roadman and had a small thatched barn or shed near the road where he kept all his tools.)
Maria Starr, widow – Kath Cranwell’s cottage
Albert Mustill, 43, “Broad Green Barn”. Now where was that I wonder?
Charles and Charlotte Pigg – “6 rooms and 2 attics” – so I wonder if this was Gentleman’s farm that can be seen on the right in the large photograph above.
Herbert and Clara Flack – 4 rooms – possibly the cottage where the Bayers lived in the 1970’s and that, many years ago, was The Moon and Stars pub.
George and Annie Pigg – 4 rooms
Hubert and Ann Flack – 4 rooms (and 7 children!)
John and Alice Pigg – 4 rooms.
Any additional information most welcome! Please comment below or get in touch.