Cobblers circa 1960: despite the run down appearance the main cottage appears to be in reasonable repair although the rendering appears to have been recently made good. This property’s appearance is quite different now and the thatched annex, which was the shoe repairer’s workshop, no longer exists.
The foreground is the yard of Faerie Cottage where the wheelwright Mr Bernard Cranwell has all his carts and carriages.
I don’t know when “Cobblers” was thus named. It was the home of Eric and Eva Mancer; Eric only became a cobbler through a debilitating illness and was probably helped by the veteran shoemaker, Joe Hagger, who repaired Chrishall’s shoes for many years
Oh I had always wondered why there were two shoe-makers and whether they had set up in competition to each other. Obviously it was a slightly different situation. I don’t think Cobblers was named as such until the new house was built. I’m not sure what it was called before – if anything – does anyone else know?