George Harvey lived in the cottage on the green next to the Red Cow. He was always smiling and was one of the loveliest and most gentle people I think I have ever met. I think I am right in saying – please correct me if I am wrong someone – that he was a member of the St John’s Ambulance for many many years and many people must have appreciated his calm and gentle manner when they were in a position of needing medical help.
George was born and brought up in Chishill and thankfully his family were keen photographers. A while ago we dug out of the collection a large packet of photographs which appeared to be pictures from the whole of George’s life, that had never made it into albums. Well now they have. All the photographs have been mounted on acid-free paper and placed into a large album which is now in the possession of the Archive. Please do ask to see it. It is the loveliest record of what must have been a very happy family life.
Below are a few pictures from the album to give you a flavour. They start with Tom and May’s wedding (George’s parents) and then childhood photographs of George who was born in the early 1920s. Notice the house at Chishill decorated for the Coronation. Lovely as it looks, look closely at the background and you will see that the picture is taken before the council houses were built along that part of the road leading up to Hall Farm. There is also a picture of the Red Cow when it was a Greens Brewery pub. (Read about Green’s Brewery which was at Luton.)
(You can see George’s Grandmother and Grandfather here.)
What lovely pictures of George, as I remember him. He certainly was a member of St. John Ambulance Brigade.
I don’t remember where he worked but he was certainly a “Hands On” engineer and by the look of the machine he is operating I think it must have been Acrows of Saffron Walden.
Yes they are lovely photos aren’t they – George did work for Acrows for many years.