An extract from the Saffron Walden and District Year Book of 1949/1950. Included here is the introduction to the Chrishall section and a list of those who were running businesses or had a profession, in the village at the time.
The ancient name of this village was Christhall.
The Parish Church of the Holy Trinity was considerably restored in 1869.
Vicar – The Rev. A.A. Bagley
Methodist Chapel – No resident Minister
Parliamentary Divison – Saffron Walden. Rural district – Saffron Walden. Petty Sessional Divison – Walden
Parish Council: Clerk – Mr F Jupp, Parsonage Farm
Estimated population in 1948 – 416 Area – 2,790 acres.
School – ages 5-15. Head Teacher – Miss O W Miller
Sub-Post Office (To Royston).
Sub-Postmaster – Mr R.P. Chambers (Tel. Chrishall 246).
Postal Address – Chrishall, Royston, Herts.
Collections of Letters – Mon.-Fri., 9am and 4.45 p.m., Sat., 9 a.m and mid-day. Telephone Kiosk – Near Post Office.
Nearest Railway Station – Audley End.
Bus Services – Premier Travel.
Cricket Club Secretary – Mr R.J. Loveday, Bilden End.
Football Club Secretary – Mr R.J. Loveday, Bilden End.
Chrishall and District Rabbit Club: Secretary – Mr T.E. Leech, Rylstone Rabbitries, Chrishall.
Bagley Rev A A , The vicarage
Bates W J, Gipsy Corner Farm, Farmer
Boaler A and H W, Bros, Poultry Farmers
Brand W W, Bilden End Farm, Farmer
Cranwell B, Crawley End Wheelwright
Cranwell F W, Crawley End, Builder
Crocker A A C, Stanmore House, Motor Engineer
Day E, Crawley End, Farmer
De Beer P D, Chiswick Hall, Farmer
Flack E J, New Farm
Hagger J, High St, Boot Repairer
Harding, Mrs S B Chrishall Grange, Farmer
Harvey T C, High St., Fruit Fmr.
Hicks H B, Church Road, Butcher
Jupp F, Parsonage Farm
Kent G B W, Broad Green Farm, Farmer
Kent J F, Farmer
Kent W L, Park House, Farmer
Leech T E, Rylstone, Shopkeeper
Mancer E E, Crawley End, Boot Repairer
McKeown W, The Red Cow
Miller Miss O W, School House Schoolmistress
Reeves B, Belle Vista, Mill Causeway, Coal Merchant
Rogers Miss A J, High Street, Farmer
Rogers B R, The Garage
Rogers F, Wire Farm, Farmer
Rush W J, Church Road, Motor Engineer
Wall W, New Farm, Farmer
As well as the above named, other main residents included:
Baker (2), Barker, Bernard Capt W R RN, Brand (3 incl. W W, Frmr Bilden End Farm), Brooks, Bysouth, Camp, Cane (3), Chapman (2), Clarke (3), Cranwell (12 incl.B, Wheelwright of Crawley End and F W, Builder of Crawley End), Crocker A A C Motor Engr, Day E, Frmr, Crawley End, De Beer P D Chiswick Hall, Frmr, Draper, Drury (4), Dyer, Edwards, Elbourne (Martinholme), Everett, Field (Wendy’s Cottage, Chr. Grnge Frm), Flack (14), Gardiner, Glasscock, Goodship, Green (6), Hagger (High St, Boot Repairer), Harding Mrs S B, Frmr (Chr. Grange), Harvey (6 incl. T C, Fruit Frmr, High St), Hawthorn, Heath, Hicks H B, Butcher (Church Rd), Holmes. Ives, Jackson, Jupp (Parsonage Frm).
Kent (3 – G B W, Frmr Broad Green, J F, Frmr, W L, Frmr Park House), Knights, Langford Mrs S J, Cedar Hse), Leech T E, Rylstone, Shopkeeper, Loveday (3), Lovell-Green, Mancer E E, Boot Repairer (Crawley End), Manning, McKeown – The Red Cow, Miller (2 incl Miss O H Schoolmistress), Miller, Negus, Passmore, Pigg, Pitches (3), Pratt (2), Prior I (Kemps).
Readman, Reed, Reeve, Reeves B, Coal Merchant (Belle Vista, Mill Causeway), Revell (2), Ritches, Robinson, Rogers (7 incl. Miss A J Farmer, High St; B R, The Garage; F. Frmr, Wire Farm), Rose, Rumsey Eli (Church Cott), Skeen, Smith, Strudwick, Swift, Wall W, Frmr, New Farm, Walker, Wallman (2), Whitmore (3), Wilson, Wisbey, Woods, Wright.