Chrishall never seems backwards at coming forwards when a party is in the offing. The Church newsletters are full of descriptions of musical evenings, Christmas teas and parties held in the old school, as well as large garden parties such as the one held for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee in one of the meadows between High Street and Church Road.
However I have not been able to find any details of any VE Day parties.
The Church newsletter editions we have finish in June 1939 with the last entry detailing a visit to the cathedral, a rummage sale and a Baby Show plus the all important rota for who was doing the church flowers.
The Parish Council minutes for June 28th 1945 detail concern about the state of the road to Building End – which they feel should be being maintained by Highways, but obviously isn’t – and whether the bus companies can be prevailed upon to purchase a seat for those waiting for the buses on the green. The Parish Council was only held once a year at this time so no further details are available there.
However we do have a fairly good idea of who was running the businesses in Chrishall around this time and Sharon has put together a lovely article here about people in Chrishall in 1949. There is also mention in the obituary of Mrs Bessie Cranwell that among other things she “helped organise functions to raise money for the Servicemen’s Homecoming Fund…”
And I’m sure there would have been celebrations that if perhaps the rationing wasn’t over – this went on until the 1950s for some things – at least the fighting was coming to an end and the boys (and girls) would soon be coming home. So put the kettle on, make some spam fritters ( and dance a jig round the kitchen to this new tune from Mumbo Jumbo written especially for the occasion!
Six Million Women - the Home Front Song
Chrishall at War
The story of Chrishall through World War I told using local sources such as the church newsletters. Details of those who served and returned and those who were lost to the village.
Download a copy here. (PDF document: 8MB)