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Chrishall Chapel Graveyard

by | May 7, 2016 | Chapel | 7 comments

chrishall chapel graveyard

chrishall chapel graves

v 53

1 Nathan Ives, Chrishall 10.9.1916 76
2 William Bond, Chrishall 20.1.1917 86
3 Joseph Flack (Church Hill) 1.8.1917 75
4 Stephen Drury, Chrishall 10.4.1918 70
5 Elsie Annie Clarke 1918 15
6 Frank Drury, Chrishall 28.11.1918 30
7 Harry William Charles Flack, High St., Chrishall 15.8.1920 12 days
8 Oswald Cranwell, Chrishall 29.3.1922 64
8A George Cranwell
9 Emma Bond, Chrishall 12.4.1922 82
10 Evelyn Maud Dellar (d. Addenbrooke’s Hospital) 29.6.1923 36
11 Louisa Ives 1.1918 0
12 Florence Miller, Chrishall 29.12.1923 53
13 Stephen Pledger, Chrishall 27.1.1924 72
14 Peter Harvey,  Chrishall 23.2.1925 82
14A Mary Harvey
15 Walter Charles Tinworth, Leigh on Sea 17.8.1925 68
16 Edith Harvey (no ref), Ashwell 23.1.1926 52
17 Samuel Abrahams, Bilden End 31.1.1927 82
18 Ann Drury (People’s Home, Saffron Walden) 11.5.1927 77
19 Rebecca Flack, White Lane, Chrishall 11.11.1927 85
20 Mary Eleanor Flack, Severalls 2.1.1928 46
21 Enos Wheeler, Heydon 17.7.1928 64
22 Robert Flitton, New Farm Cotts 17.7.1928 78
23 William Brooks (d. Royston Hospital) 7.9.1928 50
24 Susan Tinworth 23.12.1931 71
25 Clara Flack, Broad Green 2.6.1933 51
26 Florence May Whitmore 18.2.1933 30
27 Alfred Brand 16.5.1933 86
28 Emily Jane Flack 26.1.1934 71
29 Ebenezer Miller (d. Baldock) 4.9.1935 68
30 Alice Ann Pigg, Causeway, Chrishall 16.1.1936 69
31 Lucy Abrahams, Bilden End 13.2.1936 87
32 Ann Cranwell, Chrishall 3.3.1936 79
33 Walter Douglas Samuel Loveday 25.3.1936 39
34 Lucretia Catley, Brick Row 24.3.1936 69
35 Elizabeth Day (hospital) 29.1.1937 82
36 Olive Jessie Hagger 26.4.1937 41
37 John Day 19.4.1939 84
38 Cornelius Breens Miller 5.10.1939 87
39 Derrick Harold Victor Clarke, Brick Row 22.11.1939 16
40 Eliza Caroline Miller, Heydon 10.4.1940 82
41 Harriet Flack, Severalls 21.5.1940 73
42 Enfield George Flack (d. Addenbrooke’s Hospital) 29.5.1940 60
43 Walter John Pigg 7.3.1941 74
44 Emily Negus, Church Road. 17.10.1941 78
45 Philip Flack, Heydon 6.9.1942 60
46 Alice Rogers, Chrishall 1.7.1943 72
47 Arthur Green, Broad Green, Chrishall 25.3.1944 81
48 Emmeline Wheeler, Heydon 4.3.1945 89
49 Elizabeth Pigg, Causeway 18.4.1945 81
50 Ernest Langford 31.5.1945 61
51 Albert Rogers 24.6.1945 75
52 Elizabeth Ann Green 25.4.1946 80
53 William James Dellow, Cedar House 2.3.1947 72
54 William Alfred Herbert Brand 11.11.1947
55 Jessie Rosetta Ives, Ashford (Kent) 7.4.1948 81
56 William Flack, High Street 18.5.1948 85
57 Frank Pitches, Red Cow Lane 9.12.1948 66
58 Alice Brand, Great Chishill 5.3.1949 77
59 Peter Flack, Crawley End 4.12.1949 90
60 William Hubert Brand, Gt Chishill 10.1.1950 80
61 Herbert Flack 26.8.1950 71
62 Maria Prior 19.12.1950 79
63 Flora Elizabeth Pierce, Shepreth 29.12.1950 82
64 Charles Flack 23.4.1951 89
65 Alfred Drury, Ashdon 3.7.1951 58
66 Victor Keith Flack 28.11.1952 42
67 Samuel Thorpe 1.6.1953 78
68 Christopher Andrew Stigwood 19.10.1953 1 month
69 Sarah Brooks 15.2.1954 87
70 Charles Clarke 29.10.1954 79
71 Mary Ann Flack 30.11.1954 91
72 Decima Flack 8.1.1955 76
73 Eli Rumsey 26.2.1955 82
74 Lionel Stanley Clarke 13.5.1955 57
75 Florence Lily Wood 28.4.1956 68
76 Amelia Flack 31.5.1956 88
77 Arthur Clifton Wood 8.4.1957 73
78 James Pigg, Royston 3.5.1957 89
79 Thomas Frank Pigg 14.7.1957 65
80 Charles Pearce, Shepreth 3.3.1958 90
81 Ester Loveday (no ref) 28.7.1958 87
82 Albert Edward Harvey 28.7.1958 65
83 Ada Susan Rumsay 10.9.1958 83
84 Leonard Flack 17.10.1958 81
85 Eric Edward Mancer 11.2.1959 56
86 Peter Anthony Williams 28.xx.1959 6
87 Albert Cranwell 06.xx.196x 78
88 Harriet Baker 01.05.196x 85
89 Edwin Arthur Welch 21.09.19xx 81
90 Agnes Mable Welch 11.01.194x 89
91 Hilda Cooper 09.04.195x 76
92 Frank Flack 18.04.1965 78
93 Isaiah Prior 27.07.1965 93
94 Sarah Jane Langford 07.08.1965 81
95 William Drury 06.xx.1965 75
96 Mary Elizabeth Flack 26.xx.1965 75
97 Frederick Drane Stigwood 13.01.1968 72
98 Elizabeth Lilian Flack 28.09.1969 87
99 Agnes Stigwood 10.12.1969 78
100 Albert Edwin Flack 22.09.1970 84
101 Doris Grace Green 24.3.1971 63
102 Stanley William Loveday 26.4.1971 65
103 Ellen Clarke 7.5.1971 95
104 Sarah Pepper 9.7.1971 89
105 Esher Brand 16.2.1973 87
106 Rhoda Ethel Green 20.9.1973 89
107 John Clifford Trigg Baker 4.3.1974 87
108 Leslie William Stephen Stigwood 3.5.1974 53
109 Isaac Harry Flack 15.8.1974 84
110 Dorothy Lydia Pigg 11.0x.1975 75
111 Mabel Rose Drury 9.x.1976 76
??? Daisy Mary Pitches 1.x1977 86
112 Ernest Herbert Flack 16.7.1975 68
113 Leslie Charles Green 13.x1976 68
114 Violet Drury Rumsey 24.x.1976 71
115 Daisy Mary Pitches 1.x.1977 86
116 John Albert Cornwell 21.1.1978 63
117 Mrs M Flack 0 0
118 Evelyn Whitmore (no reference) 0 0
119 Walter Charles Flack 6.5.1978 75
120 Reginald Charles Harold Clarke 23.8.1978 81
121 Decimer Ellen Flack (no reference) 11.11.1979 95
122 Clara Drury 30.12.1979 88
123 Edith Flack 13.5.1980 94
124 Rosetta Harvey 27.7.1982 81
125 Muriel Joy Whitmore 15.6.1983 50
126 Bessie Clarke 30.3.1984 86
127 Eva Mary Mancer 12.4.1984 79
128 Walter John Green 5.9.1960 78
129 Mary Cranwell 13.5.1965 81
130 Lily Clarke 3.4.1985 87
131 Morris James Whitmore 1985 0
132 Doris Cade 1986 0
133 Bessie Johnson Ives, High Street 21.3.1988 79
134 Violet Primrose Smith 3.5.1991 60
135 Angela Rose Mullarkey 3.7.1991 39
137 Kate Flack 0 90
138 Derrick Maynard Howe 24.4.1993 73
139 Elsie Edna Mary Cranwell 17.6.1993 73
140 Richard Joshua Smith 11.9.1974 0
141 William Herbert Walker 4.3.1996 0
142 Doris Martha Prior 13.9.1996 0
143 Margaret Susie Hannah Walker 1.11.1996 0
144 Alfred Graham Cranwell 8.5.1995 0
145 Ruby Emma Mary Rogers 3.9.1997 0
146 Winifred Joan Wright 14.6.1999 77
147 Cecil Charles Travers 1999 94
148 Clarice May Travers 1994 85
149 Walter Leslie Rogers 19.x.2001 88
150 James Wilson Jackson 8.x.2001 79
151 Annie Jessie Rogers 17.4.2001 98
151A Leonard Arthur Rogers 8.4.2001 79
152 Ian Wallage 8.6.1993 31
153 Charles Berrie Cade 1996 0
154 Anthony Thomas Reavey 28.10.2003 75
155 Joan F E Howe 25.2.2004 0
156 Marjorie Bella Clarke 23.x.2005 70
157 Alan Whitmore 20.3.2006 82
158 Douglas Reid Fredericksen 14.4.2006 74
159 Desmond Stanley Clarke 2.6.2006 80
160 Harold Cranwell 0
161 Edward Nelson 9.3.2003 28
162 Reg Mumby 11.1.2003 82
163 Betty Whitmore 0 73
164 Sylvia Dearne 6.8.1998 71
165 John Dearne 2.2.2004 77


  1. Jenny Goymour

    I was very interested to find this graveyard plan with the grave of Lucretia Catley marked. She could be the wife of wife of Walter Catley and the mother of Bernard George. I live in Anstey and have researched all the soldiers on our war memorial, including Bernard George, who was killed in 1916. (All this is on line under Anstey history) I have very little on Bernard George Catley and would love to know more, perhaps by tracing relations. His father had died by 1911, his sister Margaret married an Alec Whitmore and his other sister Gwendoline married William Rogers and had 2 children in 1916 Hazel and Freda in 1919. If this is the Lucretia Catley from Anstey she could well have moved to Chrishall, havng been born in Langley, perhaps with one or both of her daughters.
    I would love to hear back from you if you can help.
    Many thanks

    • Peter Rogers

      Hi Jenny, unsure if you have had any replies or not. This is the Lucretia Catley from Anstey, she was born on 20 July 1894.

      I’m Peter Rogers and William Rogers who married Gwendoline was my 3rd cousin, once removed.

  2. Rosemarie Gant

    Hello Jenny – thank you for getting in touch. We will see what we can find out.

  3. Christopher Hall

    An Alec Whitmore used to live in High Street, Chrishall only a few doors up from me when I was growing up, I seem to remember his wife was named Margaret, and possibly this was his first wife, and the Mother of Eileen, I think his second wife was Evelyn Maggie who died on January 3rd 1990, Alec died in February 1991

    • Angela Phillips

      Hi Christopher Hall, Evelyn Maggie Clarke is part of my Clarke family. She was a sister to Lionel Stanley Clarke and Bessie (nee Law), who was born in Clavering. I see both Bess and Lionel were Methodists and buried in the churchyard..

      • Rosemarie Gant

        Yes I can confirm the graves and graveyard are still there behind what is now the village hall – a lovely peaceful place.

  4. Angela Phillips

    Christopher Hall……Further to my previous comment…..Evelyn Maggie Clarke married Harold J Whitmore in 1925.


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