This picture, taken from where the bus depot later stood and where the ‘new houses’ now stand, shows how rural the centre of the village used to be. The new school site is just to the left of the picture. The white railings in front of the pond can just be seen. The height of the trees in front of Martenholme indicate that this was taken about the same time as the one with the ducks on the pond. Note the pile of stone for road mending.
The white post is actually a lamp post – see below some fine detailing of the gable end of Martinholme as well as the lamp.
Note found from Mrs Cranwell
On describing the photograph above:
Centre of village. Note lamp post on which was an oil lamp. The beautiful old elm tree on right stood by a stile entrance to “Dyer’s” – an area used as part meadow part allotments for the houses in Church Road – and is now completely covered by Mr Funston’s Transport Depot. (Editors Note: and now is completely covered by Loveday Close!)