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Through the Keyhole

by | May 18, 2018 | Chrishall Archive Group (CAG) | 0 comments

Faerie Cottage previous home of Irene Cranwell

This summer’s project for Chrishall Archive is

Through the Keyhole

We want to find out who lived where in Chrishall.  With approximately 250 homes and at least 500 years of history we felt that this was a project that offered plenty of scope!!

On a more serious note, we have been told that many old property deeds are now being destroyed.  If you request your deeds from the Land Registry you will only receive a small square of paper instead of – potentially – an exciting bundle of parchment. 

So if you have the deeds to your property hang on to them – and could we borrow them to make a copy please?

Help with the project:

Click to see a sample page from the project.

As always you are our best resource.  If you have memories or stories of the people who were living in Chrishall many years ago please let us know.  You can just drop us a note on the form below or call in on our open days.  We are intending to create folders listing houses and previous past residents.

Please note: we are only recording those who are long passed away.  No current or recent residents will be recorded unless they give their express permission.

We are also interested in house names which change a lot over the years.  And, of course, my favourite topic, the houses that are no longer there!  And there are quite a few in Chrishall.  If you know any more about them do tell!

So if you remember where Wendy Cottage was, or you know how old Broad Green Farm is then let us know.  We will be adding to the Archive exhibitions through the year as we gather information.  Already we have a display board for some Church Road past residents and a lovely list of Chrishall trades through the years which makes fascinating reading.

We look forward to hearing from you!

(The cottage featured in the photograph is Faerie Cottage, Crawley End, when inhabited by Irene and Bernard Cranwell.)

Who Lived Where logoUpdate June 2019: We are still running this project. Now re-named ‘Who Lived Where’ look out for these ‘stickers’ on various pages on the website and also when you come into the Archive to follow the Who Lived Where project.



Who, or what, do you remember about the Chrishall houses?

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