This extract from Kellys directory of 1933 for Chrishall shows the first appearance of telephone numbers (T N) in the directory. (It is also interesting that Mr Crocker felt he could advertise “any make of car supplied”!)
We know quite a bit about the people mentioned in this extract. Let’s take a walk through the village in our imagination…
It’s Tuesday morning in late autumn.
Starting from home up at Crawley End, you walk down past Wire Farm “Morning Mr McCrae” and head towards the centre of the village. You wave to Rev. Hort, who is mid-way through his time at Chrishall, and who is just walking to the school to take prayers with the children.
You pass a cyclist walking with his bike and heading off to see Mr Crocker down Church Road to get it fixed.
The centre of the village might be quiet from traffic but there was still plenty of activity. Don’t forget your shopping. You visit Hedley Hicks, the butcher, at the top of Church Road and then perhaps walk over to Martinholme to visit Mr Chambers for grocery items and a few stamps from the post office.
You can hear building work going on from quite a distance away: Fred Cranwell is obviously busy at work somewhere in the village on things such as the new school hall at the Chapel.
You decide to take a turn around the ‘Castey’ (the Causeway) on your way back home and pick up some boots that have been at the menders. You stop for a while to admire the view across from the causeway down towards Chrishall Grange where Mr Butterworth the farmer is hosting a school party from London and telling them a bit about the farming life in the country. While the view is lovely it is a bit more noisy round here as a set of Drage and Kent engines are hard at work ploughing one of the fields. You watch for a while before collecting the boots from John Pigg and heading off home for some midday dinner.